Low-Carb Pecan Pie Muffins
pecan pie muffins meet German grandma's Rosenthal porcelain which
meets Romanian grandma's doily ...
are two reasons why I maintain an English blog besides my German one:
First, most of my foodie friends are based in English speaking
countries, and second, I love this language.
wouldn't go as far as to say that I despise my German native tongue,
but yeah, it would come pretty close. Why is that?
I made these muffins, I first planned on posting them in my German
the text for a post starts forming in my head while I'm still in the
kitchen, stirring my cauldron and muttering arcane incantations such
as "Shall I add one more tablespoon of sweetener??"
this case, I discussed something not kitchen related with myself
while putting the muffins together, so no text appeared in my mind -
neither English nor German.
when I got them out of the oven, I thought: What a mouthwatering
that's why I'm anything but fond of my mother tongue. You cannot say
"mouthwatering smell" in German because no such adjective
exists. Instead of "mouthwatering smell" you have to say
"at the smell of these muffins the water in my mouth runs
words instead of two. THIRTEEN!!! How utterly idiotic.
there are many more examples for short English expressions which
translate into long-winded phrases in German.
neither on the point nor poetic, it's laborious and clumsy.
get me wrong - I'm quite comfortable with German being my native
tongue, because I wouldn't want to have the misfortune to be forced
to learn it. Besides being laborious and clumsy, it's a difficult and
illogical language.
then there are measuring cups.
since I discovered them, I've preferred them to the weighing method -
I love them because I find them *way* more practical than using a
- why that?
recently I came across an article about why Americans keep sticking
to their measuring cup method, even though the weighing method is so
much more practical.
I thought, "it isn't! Cups are the best method!"
I started to wonder and ask myself what made me think cups are more
practical than a scale. From a logical point of view, they aren't.
But for me, they are.
answer actually is my way of thinking. I think visually - in
pictures. If I try to imagine the amount of flour which I need for
something, I cannot imagine one hundred and fifty grams. My mind is unable to
make a picture out of numbers because they are abstract. But I can
imagine two cups of flour, because they are tangible, they
have a bodily form which I can visualize.
if I make up a recipe, I do it with cups. And sometimes I forget to
weigh what I put into the cups, and I have to write a German recipe
with cups instead of grams and litres. Or post it in my English blog.
I was too lazy to weigh something, and my musing about the
long-winded German language and my odd fondness of measuring cups
made its way into the computer, so here we are.
usual, feel free to use any sweetener you like: Sugar, Erythritol,
Truvia, Swerve or Xylitol.
as usual, feel free to up the amount of sweetener to your taste. DH
and I found these muffins to be pleasantly sweet, but I know most
people would double the sweetener.
muffins are low-carb, no flour and no sugar except for the two
tablespoons of maple syrup. Feel free to omit them and use more
sugar, erythritol, xylitol or whatever you like instead.
the chocolate, I used 85% chocolate sweetened with xylitol.
for 10 muffins:
1 1/2 cups pecan
3.5 ounces almond
1/8 cup flax seed meal
1 tablespoon psyllium
husks or ground chia seeds (or 1 teaspoon xanthan or 2 more
tablespoons ground flax seeds)
2 ounces dark
1/4 cup plus 1
tablespoon erythritol or xylitol
2 teaspoons baking
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon butter or
non-hydrogenated margarine, cold
2 tablespoons maple
2 eggs
7 ounces Greek yoghurt
(can be made from soy yoghurt, too: just put one pound of
unflavoured soy yoghurt into a cheesecloth and let drip for some
time - you'll find precise instructions via google, it's really easy
to make)
Grind 1 cup of pecan
halves. Then separate 1/3 cup of ground pecans from the rest and set
aside for the topping.
For the batter,
combine the rest of the ground pecans, the almond flour, ground flax
seeds, psyllium husks (or substitute), 1/4 cup erythritol or sugar,
baking powder and vanilla, mix well.
Chop chocolate and add
to batter mixture.
Chop the remaining 1/2
cup of pecans.
In another bowl
combine the 1/3 cup ground pecans with the chopped pecans, 1
tablespoon erythritol, 1 tablespoon maple syrup and the tablespoon
of cold butter. If desired, add some more vanilla to the crumble
mixture. Using your fingers, crumble the mixture. You will get a wet
crumbly mess, that's fine.
Preheat oven to 375°F.
Cream together 2 eggs,
Greek yoghurt, 1 tablespoon maple syrup. Beat at high speed for
about 3 minutes until you get a slightly foamy pale yellow liquid.
Grease and flour 10
muffin tins or use silicon tins (I don't know if paper liners will
work, but feel free to try and tell me what happened).
Combine egg cream with
the dry batter ingredients, stir well. The batter will be quite
liquid. Fill about 2/3 of the muffin tins with batter, then divide
the topping between the ten tins.
Bake at 375°F for 25
minutes (not longer or the topping will burn!).
Remove the tray from
the oven and let cool until the muffins are only slightly warm and
feel solid to the touch. Remove from tins and let cool completely.
They are soft and
mellow with a crunchy topping.
Enjoy with your
favourite cup of coffee or tea!